Re: [guide-user] Re: Probelms slewing

Arild Moland May 19, 2011


> I got Guide8 to slew using ASCOM. It appears I omitted to select the tracking rate on the ASCOM Driver Handbox. Also I think having a '4' in the little box to the right of 'other' helps. I presume this is
> the COM port number. My Prolific USB to Serial converter uses COM4.
> Still not working on the Astro-Physics setting. I tried connecting the AP keypad, but made no difference.

obviously, you selected COM 4 for the AP-setting also? And in my
experience, ASCOM tends to block the COM-port after being used, so if
you tried ASCOM, and then something else the port may well be blocked.
I've even found ASCOM drivers to be running in the background and
requiring being shut down manually through the use of the Task

However, all my slewing problems vanished as soon as I got a good USB
to Serial converter. These are obviously not made the same, but after
installing this one

everything has been good.

Arild :)