Re: [guide-user] Counstellation Boundaries and Aberration

Bernd Brinkmann Feb 23, 2011

Hello Luc,

> I am an old Guide user but new to this forum. Forgive me if I do some mistakes in
> English as I am from Belgium and my mother tongue is french.

your english is very good.

> position. Thanks a lot, Guide for all these rare options ! The limit being
> 7h48m30s in B1875, it is easy to see with a big zoom (unfortunately the boundaries
> disappears with big zooms, perhaps I missed here an option) that Venus crosses the
> limit at about 12h44m40s TD in Guide. There is thus a difference of about 18

Indeed there is a setting for drawing the constellation boundaries. Right click
(as mostly in Guide to change the appearance) on one boundary and change the
"Show at" to lets say 0 - 180. Then they will be drawn at each field of view.

Correction: I just zoomed in and they disappear at Level 11 (8 minutes) and
smaller! Maybe it's a bug or just a "feature"?

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann

Sternwarte Herne, MPC code A18
Herne, Germany

e-mail: info@...