Re: LX200 focus control

Dennis L. Means Sep 8, 2000

Hi Bill,
I'd like to see this also if you can. Also I use an Zeit PC Clock
to update the clock in the PC every 10' when observing. Would it also
be possiable for you to make it so that the time could be updated from
the Guide LX200 console.

Clear skies,
W111 36 00 N31 28 57
Elev. 7000'

--- In, "Tim Hager" <thager@p...> wrote:
> Bill,
> Any chance of adding a feature to control the focus port on the
> LX200 control panel for us remote imagers? I'm using Guide to
control an
> LX200 and do ccd imaging from inside the house but the only thing I
> do remotely with Guide or my CCD acquisition software is run a
> focuser through the LX200 focus port.
> ...Tim