PPMXL TDF update

tmprithree@Safe-mail.net Feb 6, 2011

You should really be using this instead of USNO B1.0 and certainly instead of NOMAD by now, probably preferable to UCAC3 in some regions. As it has PPMX within it there's a two for one aspect too.

The file Download.txt in the Guide directory needs this line :-

2805 -cI/317/sample&fl=0,>1&-out.all=1 ppmxl.dat

the first number can be changed to suit your system, as long as it tallies with the number in the toolbar.dat file, which will read :-

2805 !ppmxl.bmp PPMXL data from Vizier

yahoo groups sometimes strip excess spaces from messages, so use the lines in download.txt and toolbar.dat immediately before and after where you insert these to check for proper text alignment. toolbar.dat will need the number at top of file incrementing by one if you are adding this entry instead of amending an existing ppmxl entry. If the latter you should need neither of these changes.

ppmx.bmp can be made by adapting a .bmp button already in the Guide directory by pixel editing even in the most basic paint package, including the one that comes with your OS.

The TDF has been tweaked and cleaned up a bit over time, but mostly it has had outlinking added for the new SDSS data release 8, which covers more sky, and carries more spectra (via Segue II) than the previous release.

The following tdf is cut and paste into a text editor and saved in the Guide directory.

Long url lines will word wrap and the like, the first such line shows how each such line should start. Edit to fix. Where yahoo groups has split a line they sometimes add a superfluous character, like adding a hyphen in normal text, watch for that too, and delete it.



file ppmxl.dat
title PPMXL from VizieR
RA H 22 10
units0 -2
ra p 45 9
pm_ra_unit .001
de d 34 10
de p 55 9
pm_de_unit .001
text 1 19
mag 165 5
~c 1 19 PPMXL\n
~r 1 19 PPMXL %s\n\n
~r 83 3 RA : %7R +/- %s mas\n
~r 87 3 Dec : %6D +/- %s mas\n\n
~r 22 10 RA : %s deg Dec :
~r 34 10 %s deg\n\n
~c 45 9 RA pm : %s mas/y\n
~c 55 9 Dec pm : %s mas/y\n
~r 45 9 RA pm : %s +/- %[92,5] mas/y\n
~r 55 9 Dec pm : %s +/- %[99,5] mas/y\n\n
~r198 > ' 1' PPMX Seeded\n\n
~r195 <>' ' Surveys : %[195,1]
~r 66 7 Mean Epochs : RA %s Dec %[75,7]
~r198 > ' 7' Replaces multiple USNO B1.0 objects
;~r 19 1 \n\nPosition errors are sigma(J2000) = sqrt[sigmameanepoch**2 + ((2000-meanepoch)*{sigmapropermotion**2))]. RA error corrected for cos(Dec)
~r 19 1 \n\n
~b198 < ' 2' B1 %[151,5]\n
~b198 < ' 2' R1 %[165,5]\n
~b198 < ' 2' B2 %[158,5]\n
~b198 < ' 2' R2 %[172,5]\n
~b198 < ' 2' I %[179,5]\n
~b198 > ' 1' mag %[151,5]\n
~b198 > ' 1' B %[165,5]\n
~b198 > ' 1' Ru %[158,5]\n
~b198 > ' 1' V %[179,5]\n
~b106 6 J %s\n
~b136 6 Ks %s\n
~r 19 1 \n\n!Magn Survey Emuls lambda(nm) Zones Fld Date\n
~r 19 1 --------------------------------------------------------
~r198 > ' 1' \n from PPMX
~r187 0 0 \nB1 POSS-I 103a-O 350-500 -30..+90 936 1949-1965
~r187 0 2 \nB1 POSS-II IIIa-J 385-540 +00..+87 897 1985-2000
~r187 0 4 \nB1 SERC-J IIIa-J 385-540 -90..-05 606 1978-1990
~r189 0 1 \nR1 POSS-I 103a-E 620-670 -30..+90 936 1949-1965
~r189 0 3 \nR1 POSS-II IIIa-F 610-690 +00..+87 897 1985-1999
~r189 0 5 \nR1 ESO-R IIIa-F 630-690 -90..-05 624 1974-1994
~r189 0 6 \nR1 AAO-R IIIa-F 590-690 -90..-20 606 1985-1998
~r188 0 0 \nB2 POSS-I 103a-O 350-500 -30..+90 936 1949-1965
~r188 0 2 \nB2 POSS-II IIIa-J 385-540 +00..+87 897 1985-2000
~r188 0 4 \nB2 SERC-J IIIa-J 385-540 -90..-05 606 1978-1990
~r190 0 1 \nR2 POSS-I 103a-E 620-670 -30..+90 936 1949-1965
~r190 0 3 \nR2 POSS-II IIIa-F 610-690 +00..+87 897 1985-1999
~r190 0 5 \nR2 ESO-R IIIa-F 630-690 -90..-05 624 1974-1994
~r190 0 6 \nR2 AAO-R IIIa-F 590-690 -90..-20 606 1985-1998
~r191 0 7 \nI POSS-II IV-N 730-900 +05..+87 800 1981-2002
~r191 0 8 \nI SERC-I IV-N 715-900 -90..+00 892 1978-2002
~r 19 1 \n\n\nIMAGE :
~r 19 1 ^2MASS//xhttp://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/2MASS/IM/nph-im_pos?type=at&ds=asky&POS=%[22,9]d+%[34,9]d&subsz=180&date=&scan=&coadd=&key=&band=A^
~r 34 0 + ^ALADIN//xhttp://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl?frame=launching&script=get+Aladin+%[22,8]+%%2B%[35,7]^
~r 34 0 - ^ALADIN//xhttp://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/java/nph-aladin.pl?frame=launching&script=get+Aladin+%[22,8]+%[34,8]^
~r 19 1 ^SDSS7//xhttp://cas.sdss.org/astro/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?ra=%[22,9]&dec=%[34,9]^\n
~r 19 1 \nDATA :
~r 34 0 - ^SIMBAD//xhttp://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-coo?CooDefinedFrames=none&Coord=%[22,8] %[34,8]&Radius=1&Radius.unit=arcmin&bibdisplay=bibcode&mesdisplay=A¬edisplay=A^
~r 34 0 + ^SIMBAD//xhttp://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-coo?CooDefinedFrames=none&Coord=%[22,8] %%2B%[35,7]&Radius=1&Radius.unit=arcmin&bibdisplay=bibcode&mesdisplay=A¬edisplay=A^
~r 34 0 - ^VizieR//xhttp://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-out.max=5&-out.all&-c=%[22,8]%%20%[34,8]&-c.eq=J2000.0&-oc.form=deg&-c.r=1&-c.u=arcmin&-c.geom=r&-sort=_r&!-4c=Find%%20Data^\n
~r 34 0 + ^VizieR//xhttp://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-out.max=5&-out.all&-c=%[22,8]%%20%%2B%[35,7]&-c.eq=J2000.0&-oc.form=deg&-c.r=1&-c.u=arcmin&-c.geom=r&-sort=_r&!-4c=Find%%20Data^\n
~r 19 1 \n ^NED//xhttp://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nph-objsearch?search_type=Near+Position+Search&in_csys=Equatorial&lon=%[22,8]d&lat=%[34,8]d&radius=1^
~r 19 1 ^Av//xhttp://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/DUST/nph-dust?locstr=%[22,9]+%[34,9]®Size=2^\n
~r 19 1 \n ^GALEX//xhttp://archive.stsci.edu/xcorr.php?target=%[22,9]%[34,9]&missions[]=GALEX&radius_GALEX=0.2&outputformat=HTML_Table&max_records=10&action=Search^
~r 9 1 ^SDSS8//xhttp://skyserver.sdss3.org/dr8/en/tools/explore/obj.asp?ra=%[22,9]&dec=%[34,9]^\n

pref PPMXL
epoch 2000
goto case
goto labels
goto spaces
type 6
type sCffffff;e0,0,6;
field 0.00 10.00
mag lim 230
shown 5