Re: Guide8 & LX200

lone_scope2000 Jan 31, 2011

Hi Bill,

I knew I should have stated that my scope is an LX200GPS with Autostar. I have had it almost nine years now and permantley polar mounted for the past five years or so. During that time I have had a number of LX200 specific Guide 8 toolbar buttons activated, among which is the aforementioned, and they have always worked though not used too often. I use Guide 8 on one computer to locate comets and asteroids and then slew the scope to them and then another computer to operate my SBIG ST-402ME camera.

I was just wondering if the error message were associated with a software issue or, more likely, a hardware issue such as a failing/failed cable between the scope on the pier and the Guide 8 control computer.


--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> > ....I have a couple of the LX200 toolbar buttons
> > activated and clicked on the 'Get LX-200 info' one and waited for some
> > time until Guide came back with an error message, 'Error: Reply 239!'.
> > This kind of surprised me since Guide had slewed the telescope and I
> > thought the communication between them was as it always has been. Anyone
> > have an idea what the error message means or why I would get that from
> > Guide?
> Not all functions are implemented on all LX200s.
> 'Slew scope' and 'slew Guide' should always work, even with truly
> ancient LX200s. Some of the other functions will just about always work,
> such as the arrow controls. The GPS-related functions, for example,
> obviously aren't going to do anything on a scope that lacks GPS. Which
> flavor of LX200 do you have (GPS, AutoStar, etc.)?
> -- Bill