Guide8 & LX200
lone_scope2000 Jan 29, 2011
Greetings all,
My question may be a little off topic but I am looking for some help/suggestions if at all possible.
I am currently running the 22 Oct 2010 version of Guide and use it to control an LX200 in my observatory. Since the weather here in southern Illinois has been so bad lately I have not had a lot of time at the scope. Today I decided to give the telescope a little exercise and naturally I used Guide to slew it. Since it was late morning and I had the roof closed this was merely exercise so I centered Mercury in Guide and clicked the 'Slew telescope' button on the Scope Pad......away went the telescope to Mercury. I have a couple of the LX200 toolbar buttons activated and clicked on the 'Get LX-200 info' one and waited for some time until Guide came back with an error message, 'Error: Reply 239!'. This kind of surprised me since Guide had slewed the telescope and I thought the communication between them was as it always has been. Anyone have an idea what the error message means or why I would get that from Guide?