Re: [guide-user] synchronize ?

P. Clay Sherrod Jan 26, 2011

Not exactly sure what you are asking here, but I will give a stab at it. First of course,
you must determine which COM port you are using under the SETTINGS tab and make sure that
under Telescope Settings that LX200 is selected.

1) to sync Guide with your Autostar requires only that the LX200 be pointed to a bright
star, that star called up on the Autostar menu, center the star and then press ENTER and
hold for 3 seconds to sync that star in Autostar.

2) if you have the PC coupled with the telescope and Guide already up, all that you need
to do to refresh the connection is to press "Slew Guide" on the small telescope control
window....that will take Guide to the location of the Autostar sync.

3) if you are actually asking about syncing Guide to a star field or an LX 200 Guide star
that is displayed on the screen and simultaneous showing up on the screen (assuming that
the GO TO to that star was done via Guide, not the Autostar) and using the "Add Alignment
Star" function.....I am not sure that works well at all; I have tried for years to get
repeatable results with this and have decided that this function does not work....BILL??

Dr. Clay
Arkansas Sky Observatories
MPC H45 - Petit Jean Mountain South
MPC H41 - Petit Jean Mountain
MPC H43 - Conway West

----- Original Message -----
From: "sebtor_s" <sebtor@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:51 AM
Subject: [guide-user] synchronize ?

> Hi !
> is posible the option "synchronize" under Autostar and LX200 systems from Guide 8.0 ?
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