Bernd Brinkmann Nov 19, 2010
> > Bernd Gaehrken states that Guide is using a sharp edge forBernd Brinkmann
> > Jupiter to produce its shadow...
> Not so. Guide does provide a 'fuzzy' shadow, so that
> both the umbra and penumbra are visible. The penumbra is
> just _barely_ visible. I used lunar eclipses to "calibrate"
> this, in the sense that I looked at lunar eclipses in Guide
> and tuned penumbral eclipses to show a small amount of light
> drop.
> It's pretty darn small, which mostly reflects that (at
> least to my eye) the light drop really _is_ very small. In
> fact, a more realistic penumbra would probably be even less
> noticeable than the one shown by Guide.
> It occurs to me that Bernd Gaehrken may be noticing that
> the edge between umbra and penumbra looks rather sharp in
> Guide. This is true. I think it reflects reality -- the
> similar edge during lunar eclipses is about as sharp -- but
> could perhaps be persuaded that Callisto's eclipses would be
> a different case. But some persuasion would be required;
> Guide is already accounting correctly both for the fact that,
> compared to a lunar eclipse, the sun appears five times smaller
> (because we're five times further from it, resulting in a
> sharper boundary); and that the Jupiter-Callisto distance is
> almost five times that of the Earth-Moon distance (resulting
> in a blurrier boundary; the effects ought to just about
> cancel out, making the boundary only slightly less blurry
> than that for a lunar eclipse.)
> It's an interesting point. It would probably help if the
> Galileo probe caught some instances of Galilean moons going into
> or out of eclipse; you'd think that it would have taken several
> such images over its long stay orbiting Jupiter.
> -- Bill