Hi Mark
Hitting the F3 key will update the guide time. It isn't automatic but close.
If you have lots of moving objects on the screen, Guide will have to redraw all of them which may take some time.
Bob Elliott
guide-user@yahoogroups.com [
guide-user@yahoogroups.com] on behalf of . [
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 16:02
Subject: [guide-user] Guide8 & EQMOD
Good day,
I was reading messages posted back in 2007 regarding
Guide, ASCOM and EQMOD. Many of my questions were
answered and I was able to run EQMOD under simulation
mode without any hitches.
I still have one question that perhaps someone can answer.
The EQMOD documentation states that location and time must
be identical in both the EQMOD and planetarium sofware -
which makes total sense.
However, the time must be updated manually in Guide -
unless you use the Animation dialog and select Real Time.
My concern is that the two programs will fall out of sync
resulting in inaccurate goto's.
Is there another way to update time automatically?
Many Thanks,
Mark V
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