[guide-user] Re: Is there something wrong?

M. Lessard Dec 22, 1999

Pierre wrote...

>It looks like the "perigee" happens before the full moon. The following
table from
>Guide 7.0 gives for the last months of 1999:

Perigee: 23 Nov 1999 16:58 (357279.6 km)
Perigee: 22 Dec 1999 5:57 (356656.7 km)

>Since in december, the full moon happens on dec. 22 at 12:32, that should
explain the

In fact, I think the problem is in the "more info" box (after when you
rightclick on the object). The datas there, are not the same as in the menu
tables. For the same dates as above, in the "more info" box (after fixing
the time by hand with the time box), I obtained :

at the time of perigee : 357 343 km, and at the time of full moon (some 15
hours earlier) always in the "more info" datas I obtain 352 985 km less than
at perigee???

at December perigee I obtained: 355 675 km.

Anyone could explain ???


Mario Lessard

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO).
Club des astronomes amateurs de Sherbrooke
La scène de l'Univers