Bill, I have the same problem here. The last version on my Ghost
backup was July 12. I copied the September 15 version to a USB
plugin drive, deleted Guide from my C: drive, then restored the July
12 version to the C: drive. It will now let me open as many copies
of Guide as I want. As you cautioned previously, having different
versions of the same file can cause problems. I make many changes a
day to guide.dat because of changes to the Delta-T line. I would be
in big trouble if I had many copies of that. <G>
I kept the September 15 version in case you need to compare some
files from the same system.
>I've noticed that the newest version of GUIDE8 no longer allows me
>to run multiple sessions simultaneously the way I used to. To verify
>this, I checked an older version (29 Aug 2008) I still have on my
>system. I can run as many sessions of that simultaneously as I want.
>If I start the 15 Sep 2010 version and attempt to start another
>session of it, I get the message:
|"Another version of GUIDE is already running!" Bill, did you mean
for this to happen?