Re: [guide-user] Toggle scope location indicator under windows vista, how about windows 7

Bill J Gray Sep 25, 2010

Hi Kevin,

My apologies; I fixed this, posted an "in-testing" update at

...except that the above page wasn't actually updated; it still
indicated that there wasn't a new "in-testing" version yet. The
right page is there now.

That page now mentions that I'd left out the bitmap file used
for the "scope indicator" toolbar (plus a whole batch of other
toolbar bitmaps). Many people probably didn't notice this, because
they'd gotten those bitmaps in an earlier update. But if there
were gaps in your updating history, you might turn on a toolbar
button and not see any result. This is fixed now.

There are also a few other fixes, described at the above page.
Most aren't extremely significant to most people, but you should
probably give them a quick scan; you may find that you "aren't
like most people".

-- Bill