JoeMize Sep 19, 2010
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Guide 9
> Hi Owen,
> True, UCAC-3 is quite far from perfect. There are some really
> weird things in it. But I didn't really have much better to offer.
> Guides 1.0 through 8.0 were based on the Hubble Guide Star Catalog
> (part of what I had in mind when I chose the name). At the time,
> GSC was an utterly amazing leap forward over anything else available.
> It's almost obsolete now, but you'll notice that you can still get
> decent star charts with it... which is what most people use it for.
> UCAC-3 will provide about five times the star density. The magnitudes
> aren't photometric, but neither are they the total junk provided by
> GSC (and 2MASS magnitudes are provided as well). The proper motions
> have minor issues for all stars and _major_ issues for some stars
> (and to make it more annoying, you can't really tell in which class
> a given star falls). However, GSC provided us with no proper motion
> data at all.
> I do regard UCAC-3 with some disappointment. It took a long, long
> time to come out, which I took as a sign that it was Going to Be Done
> Right. When I got the DVD, I quickly found all sorts of issues, some
> of the "how the %$!* could you not have found this?" sort (I don't think
> anyone did the equivalent of beta-testing the catalog).
> But despite that, I still consider it a major advance over GSC and
> am happy to have it as the basic star catalog for Guide 9.0.
> -- Bill
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