Re: [guide-user] MAR files and WM_COMMAND ids 9800...9899

Bill J Gray Sep 15, 2010

Hi Thomas,

You're right; I broke that function, by adding a new function.
I just fixed it, so the link to Eye & Telescope ought to work again:

Please let me know if you see any issues with this. I'm reasonably
sure it's all okay, but you know how sometimes "fixing" one thing
breaks something else.

The problem was that I added a new set of functions that used
that same 9800... 9899 range, which was a silly thing to do. I've
moved the "new" set down to 9700... 9799. (They're described a
bit at the above page.)

Thanks for catching this. I'm really trying to get as many bugs
out of the way before Guide 9.0 is sent out the door. (As you'll see
at the above page, I've just finished revising the help system to
bring it up to date. The software for Guide 9.0 will be basically the
same as this update; the big differences will be that the Guide 9.0
DVD will enable me to update all the datasets as well, and to add
new ones... most significantly, UCAC-3 as the basic star catalog,
instead of GSC-ACT.)

-- Bill