Re: Guide can't find CD

Stefano TREVISAN Sep 3, 2010

It happened some time also to me.
Under Windows 7 I got a similar message, after some experiments I realized that it happens when I shut off Windows AND Guide is minimized. At the following start up I get the message.
If Guide is on the screen or close at all no problems.
At the beginning I simply replaced ALL files in the Guide folder, after a while I realized that it is enough to keep a separate copy of the file STARTUP.MAR and replace only that.
Bill, what do you think about?

--- In, Frank Smith <fhasmith@...> wrote:
> Hi Group:
> After much faithful service, Guide 8 suddenly can't find the CD-ROM.
> I keep getting the message "Guide needs the CD to run. Check your
> drive and try again".
> The Guide folder on my hard drive seems OK.
> Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Frank Smith