Re: [guide-user] Re: MPCORB.dat not being updated daily????

P. Clay Sherrod Aug 11, 2010 you have "Use MPC Data" checked on the Extras tab?

Dr. Clay
Arkansas Sky Observatories
MPC H45 - Petit Jean Mountain South
MPC H41 - Petit Jean Mountain
MPC H43 - Conway West

----- Original Message -----
From: "barringtonri" <pecorp@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Re: MPCORB.dat not being updated daily????

> Haven't had the opportunity to troll thru the full MPCorb data listing for the presence
> of the criticals, but I suspect that they're there as they show up in my astrometry
> application. If this is the case, why would Guide be declaring that they don't exist?
> Pete
> --- In, "barringtonri" <pecorp@...> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> This may be slightly off topic, but when downloading the MPC DAILY critical objects and
>> then comparing them to the full MPCORB data to see if there are any "extra" asteroids
>> to be expected within the image frame - I find that the DAILY critical list objects are
>> sometimes missing from the full MPCORB download. This suggests that the full
>> MPCORB.dat file is only updated periodically while the DAILY.txt file is updated daily.
>> Am I wrong about this?
>> The MPC seems to be struggling as they haven't run the monthly rediduals for
>> observatory codes since May 1st.
>> Pete Peterson
>> Wishing Star Observatory I15
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