Hi Clay,
Larry mentioned something interesting:
>> Checking Go to... and typing in Sirius
>> works, as does Go to|Star|Common
>> name|Sirius.
Do these work for you as well?
Also: I'd suggest putting the attached file in your
Guide folder, and see if that fixes things. (I can't come
up with a good reason why it would have been corrupted. But
if it _did_ get corrupted or deleted, it would explain the
problem, and replacing it would fix the problem.)
If that fails, I'll send you a version with some debugging
statements in it, which ought to at least enable us to track
down where the fault is occurring.
-- Bill
431 Polaris
3067 Yildun
8758 Kocab
8870 Pherkad Minor
8887 Pherkad
9604 Dsiban
10315 Tyl
10863 Alfirk
11249 Al Kalb al Rai
11709 Alrai
12969 Ruchbah
13322 Segin
16705 Muscida
17705 Dubhe
17889 Gianfar
18861 Thuban
20234 Aldhibah
21358 Nodus Secundus
21580 Alsafi
22755 Alderamin
25054 Caph
25578 Schedar
25718 Achird
26046 Marfak
26092 Marfak
28039 Miram
32912 Merak
33292 Phad
33469 Megrez
33769 Alioth
34007 Mizar
34021 Alcor
34403 Asellus Tertius
34432 Asellus Secondus
34508 Asellus Primus
34972 Ed Asich
35805 Arrakis
36022 Rastaban
36043 Kuma
36240 Grumium
36267 Etamin
39758 Azelfafage
43919 Adhil
44721 Almaak
45864 Algol
46127 Mirphak
47627 Al Anz
47641 Haedi
47723 Hoedus II
47925 Capella
48617 Menkalinan
50530 Alsciaukat
50941 Talitha
51795 Tania Borealis
51850 Tania Australis
53064 Chara
53742 Alkaid
54353 Merga
54491 Nekkar
59799 Sadr
60073 Ruchba
60323 Deneb
66010 Mirach
67966 Gorgonea Secunda
68074 Gorgonea Tertia
68182 Gorgonea Quarta
68738 Atik
68961 Menkib
69775 Hassaleh
72938 Castor
75534 Praecipua
75790 Alula Borealis
76134 Groombridge 1830
76815 Cor Caroli
77976 Seginus
78563 Alkalurops
81293 Alathfar
81558 Vega
81887 Sheliak
82139 Sulafat
82545 Aladfar
85489 Gienah Cygni
88121 Matar
89441 Alpheratz
91161 Metallah
91184 Sharatan
91373 Hamal
92803 Celaeno
92806 Electra
92818 Taygeta
92841 Maia
92844 Asterope. Sterope I
92850 Sterope II
92859 Merope
92898 Alcyone
92934 Atlas
92936 Pleione
94361 El Nath
95324 Propus
95649 Praepes
95868 Tejat Posterior
96453 Mebsuta
96982 Mekbuda
97380 Wasat
97924 Pollux
98985 Asellus Borealis
99550 Al Minliar al Asad
99651 Alterf
99836 Ras Elased Australis
99922 Ras Elased Borealis
100220 Adhafera
100996 Zosma
103553 Izar
104044 Nusakan
104146 Alphekka
104935 Kornephoros
105702 Sarin
106001 Maasym
109083 Anser
109139 Albireo
115095 Scheat
115381 Salm
116243 Algenib
118897 Botein
119792 Hyadum I
119835 Hyadum II
119934 Ain
120061 Aldebaran
122774 Alhena
122983 Alzirr
124985 Tegmen
125682 Asellus Australis
125972 Acubens
127140 Regulus
127320 Algieba
128087 Chort
128576 Denebola
129529 Vindemiatrix
129630 Diadem
130166 Mufrid
130442 Arcturus
132011 Marfik
132309 Kajam
133563 Rasalhague
135586 Deneb el Okab
135773 Deneb el Okab
136737 Sham
136931 Tarazed
138578 Deneb Dulfim
138790 Sualocin
141743 Homam
142158 Markab
144950 Torcularis Septentri
145227 Alrisha
146172 Menkar
148020 Tabit
148916 Bellatrix
149166 Meissa
149643 Betelgeuse
150885 Plaskett's star
152663 Gomeisa
153068 Procyon
154193 Altarf
154796 Al Minliar al Shuja
156093 Subra
158259 Zavijah
159316 Auva
161854 Unukalhai
164476 Cebalrai
166832 Alya
168779 Altair
168947 Alshain
171503 Kitalpha
172188 Enif
172728 Baham
173700 Fum al Samakah
175888 Mintaka
175945 Alnilam
178753 Zaniah
179083 Heze
181401 Sadalmelik
181446 Sadalachbia
182115 Deneb Kaitos Shemali
184482 Mira
185202 Azha
185579 Zibal
186110 Rana
186646 Beid
187729 Cursa
187839 Rigel
188149 Thabit
188225 Nair al Saif
188455 Saiph
192393 Alphard
197358 Syrma
197840 Rijl al Awwa
198139 Zuben Elakribi
198424 Zuben Elschemali
199443 Yed Prior
199508 Yed Posterior
204453 Albali
205297 Sadalsuud
206179 Ancha
206585 Situla
209214 Diphda
209790 Deneb Algenubi
210734 Baten Kaitos
213659 Zaurak
214604 Sceptrum
215925 Arneb
217099 Murzim
217626 Sirius
218074 Muliphen
223763 Alkes
225593 Gienah Ghurab
225920 Algorab
227262 Spica
229372 Zuben Elgenubi
230451 Zuben Elakrab
231174 Graffias
231336 Jabbah
232699 Sabik
237206 Prima Giedi
237217 Secunda Giedi
237275 Alshat
237293 Dabih
239166 Nashira
239339 Deneb Algedi
240921 Skat
245481 Angetenar
245929 Fornacis
248938 Nihal
251347 Adara
251718 Wezen
252311 Aludra
253258 Azmidiske
259912 Alchiba
259949 Minkar
260512 Kraz
263746 Brachium
264979 Dschubba
265440 Alniyat
265579 Antares
268275 Kaus Meridionalis
268438 Kaus Borealis
269055 Ain al Rami
269078 Nunki
269230 Ascella
269391 Albaldah
270451 Terebellum
274426 Fomalhaut
280424 Theemim
281732 Phaet
281952 Wezn
282532 Furud
292214 Menkent
296424 Lesath
296488 Shaula
297231 Nash
297655 Kaus Australis
298624 Alfecca Meridiana
304876 Ankaa
307195 Acamar
312524 Naos
313999 Alsuhail
323186 Sargas
325041 Arkab Prior
325051 Arkab Posterior
325060 Rukbat
327928 Alnair
331199 Achernar
335149 Canopus
336856 Avior
337789 Turais
341058 Gacrux
341305 Becrux
348537 Peacock
357200 Miaplacidus
359410 Acrux
360515 Agena
360911 Rigel Kentaurus
378539 Polaris Australis
400026 Mesarthim
400042 Kaffaljidhma
400061 Keid
400076 Alnitak
400108 Markab
400161 Alula Australis
400177 Porrima
400217 Marfic
400225 Rasalgethi
400272 Rotanev
400291 Alkurhah
800000 (unused)
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