Hello Ben, all,
Thanks for the feedback on this. I've figured it out.
For Guide 9, the 'non-stars' option is not going to be
particularly meaningful. So I added some code that says,
"If you're displaying GSC, enable the non-stars option in
the Star Display dialog; otherwise, don't show it."
Problem is, I've realized that in some cases, it _doesn't_
show up. A bit of testing revealed why, and I've fixed this.
In the process, I managed to have asteroids disappear.
Several people have mentioned this problem, but I hadn't seen
it before, which made it quite difficult to fix. Then they
reappeared and wouldn't disappear again, and much gnashing of
teeth followed.
However, I _did_ eventually figure the asteroid issue out,
too. If you download
(or just use the link from
http://www.projectpluto.com/new.htm ),
you should see both problems fixed. The version date in Help...
About Guide should read 12 July 2010.
Incidentally, regarding non-stars: I'd recommend taking a
look at
http://www.projectpluto.com/update8b.htm#err_suppress .
This mentions an errata file that will suppress most of the GSC
non-stars (those within galaxies, plus some resulting from other
causes: plate defects, close doubles, high proper motion,
failure to match correctly to Tycho-2, etc.)
With the errata file in place, at least the most obviously
wrong "non-stars" will be zapped. (Or you can just un-check the
'show non-stars' box.)
-- Bill