re exoplanet data - eg Kepler 6b Jun 25, 2010

If you combine that tdf with Kepler data you can even look at the transiting data for some objects.

For instance, Kepler 6b, recently announced.

click the two tick boxes that aren't yellowed out (they're proprietary) and press the "plot marked light curves" button to see the actual transits.

This isn't a very sophisticated graph, so if instead if you go here

and right click, save those two fits files to disk, you can then import those fits files into TOPCAT and plot them in the 2D scatter plot feature. Plot Barytime as x axis against ap_corr_flux as y axis, and you can rubber band zoom in on the graph with the mouse as you desire.

All readily available.

Topcat webpages have examples of how to graph up data etc.
