Laren Dart Jun 19, 2010
>Laren Dart
>Hi Bob,
><>robertjmodic@... wrote:
> > I have about 300 images from the various sky surveys that
> > I've downloaded as .fits files from:
> >
> >
> <>
> >
> > Most of these display just fine in Guide 8. A small number of them,
> > however, are skewed or rotated about the center slightly so that
> > cataloged stars do not register with those in the images. I've
> > examined the headers, but there are so many parameters, I'm not
> > sure what to look for.
>Yup, DSS FITS headers tend to have about a bazillion odd parameters.
>And many DSS images are _supposed_ to be somewhat tilted, either because
>the plate was taken that way or because you're near the edge of the
>plate; those plates are six degrees on a side, and there are
>significant projection effects over that sort of field.
>Are the plates mostly in a particular area (say, near the poles)?
>The position and orientation of a FITS image can be stored in at
>least three ways (two "standard", one DSS-specific). Guide looks for
>all of them. Maybe these files are implementing a fourth method.
>Or a slightly "off" version of the other three.
>Can you give me an RA/dec and the survey from which the image was
>taken? I gather this happens with 'a small number of them', so I
>presumably wouldn't stumble upon them at random.
>-- Bill