Denis Boucher Aug 8, 2000
> Denis, you mentioned an error in the position Guide gives for Palomar
> 4... thanks for mentioning this. Unfortunately, the data is in the
> (binary) file VARIABLE.LMP, and there's no way to modify that beast.
> The best I can tell you is that (now that I know about it) it can be
> fixed in Guide 8.
> Actually, one thing you _can_ do is to go into "Extras", "Toggle
> User-Added Datasets", and toggle "Globular Clusters (Harris 1997)" on.
> Harris' list apparently puts that object in its correct place. If you
> don't see that list, you may have to copy the file \CLUSTERS\GLOBS_97.TDF
> from the CD over to your Guide directory on your hard drive. A clumsy
> way to do things, but it _does_ let you display these objects from
> an editable plain-text file. If you do this, it's best to go into
> "Display... Data Shown" and turn off the globulars shown from Guide's
> built-in dataset.
> Incidentally, you mention editing GLOBULARS.NAM. This is still a
> good idea, because it will ensure that when you use "Go To... Globulars",
> you'll "go to" the correct location.
> -- Bill
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