Re: appologies

Woodchuk Apr 8, 2010

Woodchuk wrote:
> Bill
> Found another glitch I don't believe has been mentioned.
> When I open "Asteroid/Comet option" and click on "add mpc comet/asteroids" the
> links to the "Minor MPC center" gives an "address not found" and the three links to
> the asteroids "critical, distant, and Unusual" do not work and try to lock up the
> system.
> I suspect the latter is a result of not accessing the correct MPC address.

My appologies !! the problem is not with the "add_MPC.hee" files that are included
with the last update. The errors are as a result of a massive errors in the two
Minor Planet websites that the file points to. Denis and I tried to access those
files last night and while some links are OK, others, whether on the Harvard site
OR the mirror site, often lead nowhere or to a wrong page. Man what a mess.

The soft02cmt files on both sites seem OK but they have slightly different data
with different epoch dates, and with the old Harvard site having a few more comets.

Larry Wood