Re: [guide-user] Major bug in Guide update_Updating objects menu

Arild Moland Apr 5, 2010


it is not a bad idea to backup your Guide installation prior to applying an
update. Particularly if is an "update to be tested" like that latest one.

Or, if you're lazy like me, at least keep the previous update ZIP-files on
hand to be applied if you want to roll back a bit. Not as safe as a full
backup, but better than nothing.

Arild :)

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:02 PM, P. Clay Sherrod <drclay@...> wrote:

> Bill....HELP!!
> I can confirm that there is a major problem using the EXTRAS - Asteroid and
> Comet
> Options - Add MPC Comets, Asteroids - [and then enter any one line Soft02
> MPC listing such
> as the new NEO 2010 GA6.
> Actually one need not enter ANYTHING once in this EXTRA dialogue option.
> All that you
> have to do is open it up, then press OK to exit, and it shuts down the
> program completely.
> Attempts to add ANY listing (new comets, asteroids, etc.) via the Asteroid
> and Comet
> Options dialogue results in the entire program shutting down.
> On one of my observatory computers last night, it completely locked up the
> computer and I
> had to reload Guide; unfortunately I do NOT have a link to the LAST UPDATE
> to supersede
> and over-write this problematic update.
> Can you please send me a link where I can REGRESS one update and get things
> back to where
> they were prior to this update?
> Much appreciated.
> Clay
> _____
> Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
> Arkansas Sky Observatories
> MPC H45 - Petit Jean Mountain South
> MPC H41 - Petit Jean Mountain
> MPC H43 - Conway West

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