Arild Moland Apr 5, 2010
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:02 PM, P. Clay Sherrod <drclay@...> wrote:
> Bill....HELP!!
> I can confirm that there is a major problem using the EXTRAS - Asteroid and
> Comet
> Options - Add MPC Comets, Asteroids - [and then enter any one line Soft02
> MPC listing such
> as the new NEO 2010 GA6.
> Actually one need not enter ANYTHING once in this EXTRA dialogue option.
> All that you
> have to do is open it up, then press OK to exit, and it shuts down the
> program completely.
> Attempts to add ANY listing (new comets, asteroids, etc.) via the Asteroid
> and Comet
> Options dialogue results in the entire program shutting down.
> On one of my observatory computers last night, it completely locked up the
> computer and I
> had to reload Guide; unfortunately I do NOT have a link to the LAST UPDATE
> to supersede
> and over-write this problematic update.
> Can you please send me a link where I can REGRESS one update and get things
> back to where
> they were prior to this update?
> Much appreciated.
> Clay
> _____
> Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
> Arkansas Sky Observatories
> MPC H45 - Petit Jean Mountain South
> MPC H41 - Petit Jean Mountain
> MPC H43 - Conway West
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