Re: [guide-user] Open gif files

Michael Mattiazzo Aug 7, 2000

> I'm wondering if it is an easy way to open gif files from guide. I have
> a few pictures of celestial objects I would like to show my kids, and I
> thought a good way would be to open it from the "more info" of the given
> object. As a naive guy, I added a note with the gif file name as an
> hyperlink and tried to click on it, but I just got a message "No
> Information available!". Is it another way to do it ? I think it would
> be nice to have this possibility, not only for gif files, but any kind
> of files or internet urls.

Hi All,

I don't think GUIDE can read gif files at the moment?
However, it can display ST6 and FITS files.
Which raises another question.
I have attempted to display FITS images generated from the DSS survey
plates 15'X15' in size ( See: )
onto GUIDE 7 using Charon software but have been unsuccessful.
Has anyone been able to do this?
What focal length,pixel width and height should I use?
Should I chose a larger field?
I match to GSC 1.1 catalogue.

Michael Mattiazzo,
Wallaroo, South Australia