Update of comets in guide 8.0

pastorgalactico Apr 2, 2010

Observer; V08-Tapioles J.
Zamorano Agrupacion de Astronomia (AZA)
Observatory (ORION)
41 º 53 '02 "N
+05 º 35 '37 "W
306mm F 4.8 Opt TEL: Joan Lopez Vila
Tel proverb 150mm F 8
Tel proverb 120mm F 5
San Agustin del Pozo, Zamora


I would like to update the guide comets in 8.0, but I have some doubts;
The upgrade from ground-extras-options and then put MPC asteroids comets and asteroids and updates this file Soft02cm.txt but from the page; http://www.minorplanetcenter.org/iau/Ephemerides/Comets/SoftwareComets.html is download this file which it says on that page guide is for 8.0, but as you see the file is; Soft02Cmt.txt much like the previous one but with a small difference in the name.
In the file which is updated through the same program guide 8.0 comets do not match the file that is placed down from the page above and being in the latter file where comets are most current.
Which of these two files are deve use?
For example, using the file which is updated through the program did not I get one of the last comet discoveries such as the Machholz (C/2010 F4).
Can I use both interchangeably files or just one of them is right?

Please I need help because I am a visual observer of comets and need to stay up to date on the latest kites.

J. Tapioles

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