Help with Losmandy DSC/Guide/PC connection

Ed Wiley Mar 15, 2010

I am having trouble getting my Losmandy DSC/Guide/PC connection going. I am widening the hunt by posting on Sky Commander also.


Older Losmandy DSC unit, non-battery
Serial connector from Sky Commander folks
Resolution 8192 on Losmandy G8 with DSC RA and Dec (via Scott hisself)
NOT Go To, Push To

Computer Dell XP Com1
Both computer the DSC box set to baud rate of 36.4K and also at a slower rate to 2400.

JMI/MGIII (Sky Commander does not work, figured Push To needed JMI)

Sent 'R8192 8192
'for resolution got back '-1' (y)


1. are the units talking to each other and I have a resolution problem? If so, at least I am on first base.

2. If so, my push to seems to work at 8192, so am I just out of luck connecting my DSCs to Guide with Push To?

3. Any tricks for setting resolution when it seems to work fine manually but not via Guide?

Thanks for the help,
