Re: [guide-user] Re: Locations

Bernd Brinkmann Jan 20, 2010

Hello Bill,

> Um. A good point... there are actually several places where updates from
> Guide may replace things that you might not want updated.
> I think I can work around this one (for example, Guide and Guide updates
> could provide an 'extraloc.txt' file, but not adjust your 'user_loc.txt' file).
> When looking up a location, Guide would then search both files.
> I'll investigate to see what else gets clobbered that really shouldn't,
> and may come up with similar fixes.

another file is "strings.dat". There I regularly have to change the properties of
motion for comets and minor planets:

1,1:RMotion is %.2lf ^degree^s/day in RA, %.2lf ^degree^s/day in dec\n

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann

Sternwarte Herne, MPC code A18
Herne, Germany

e-mail: info@...