Re: [guide-user] Digest Number 63

Karen Appleby Jul 23, 2000

Is there a more complete URL for the info on V8? It's quite possible that
I missed it, but after poking around in what I thought might be the likely
places, I couldn't find it with the basic URL.



At 07:45 AM 7/23/00 +0000, you wrote:
>Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry
>To unsubscribe from this group, send an empty email to:
>There is 1 message in this issue.
>Topics in this digest:
> 1. Guide 8/hard-drive Guide/Sky Tracker
> From: "Bill J. Gray" <pluto@...>
>Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 19:08:52 -0500
> From: "Bill J. Gray" <pluto@...>
>Subject: Guide 8/hard-drive Guide/Sky Tracker
>Hi folks,
> Olivier Thizy asked about Guide 8's availability and how to upgrade
>to it... for those wanting the gory details as to what I'm planning to
>do in this version, I've updated my page on this subject:
> The two Big Unresolved Problems I have to figure out are compressing
>all those deep-sky images, and handling two CDs in a user-friendly manner
>that won't provoke a lot of angry/frustrated people calling for support.
>Once I get solutions I'm happy with, and once the beta testers agree
>I've gotten things right and a slew of jobs are handled (new manual,
>translations, getting disks made), I'll send out upgrade notices
>via e-mail. Once I've gotten replies from that, I'll get notices out
>via postal mail. The upgrade, by the way, will run $30.
> Ned, about dealing with a hard-drive-ized version of Guide: I think
>you want to change that line in STARTUP.MAR to read something like this:
>18 drive c:\guide-cd
> The spacing is important. However, there may be still more trouble
>lurking out there, because you mention that the program _locked up_.
>It should not do anything so uncivilized; it ought to be giving you a
>polite error message such as "can't find data in directory
>thus-and-such". Please keep me posted if there are indeed further
> Also: I've gotten some inquiries about use of Guide with the Sky
>Tracker setup (a motorized scope system developed by Victor McKeighan,
>the gent behind the Sky Commander, and currently in use on some of
>Rick Singmaster's scopes.) The problem is that aside from Victor,
>I know of only two people who have tried to do this. If anyone else
>has done so, you should be warned that you are essentially beta-testing
>that code, and I would very much like to hear about your results,
>positive or negative.
>-- Bill