Re: [guide-user] Time Change Problem

Laren Dart Nov 7, 2009

Hi Tom,

I'm also using XP home. Double click the time at the right end of
the toolbar, click the Time Zone tab, check the box to adjust for DST
changes. Also, you can synchronize your computer to a NIST server...
click the Internet Time tab. This should save clicking the NIST
program every time you want to update the time.


At 07:52 AM 11/7/2009, you wrote:
>I noticed an odd thing when I was using Guide 8 while astronomizing
>last night. Now that we have gone to standard time, Guide is one
>hour behind my computer time. I have Guide set for Eastern Standard
>Time. I keep Guide in real time simulation and alt-azimuth mode
>while in the field to keep up with the sky as the evening moves on.
>I noticed it is one hour behind. Now when I tell Guide to go to the
>current time it is also one hour behind. Did some Windows update
>cause this? I am running XP home. Guide used to keep up with the
>time until just recently.
>Tom Kunsitis - Richmond, Virginia USA

Laren Dart

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