Just thought I'd pass on a tidbit of info that might help some. I'd been
having problems with Guide and my Sky Commander unit refusing to talk to each
other. After ruling out a bad port on the laptop, a bad cable connection,
and trying multiple communication configurations, a member of the Starmaster
user group cued me in to the possible solution.
Simply put, it was the baud rate -- seems the two can't converse any faster
than 2400. Actually, it was a little embarrassing: in this day of 56K
connections, the slowest setting I had tried was 9600 which seemed slow
enough. Since I go back to usenet days when we all sent notes back and forth
at 300 baud, you'd think I would have known better! Anyway, I set the DSC
baud rate to 2400, my com port to the same, and now the two programs are
quite chummy and chattering at each other happily :-)
Sandy Mc.
Sandra McNamara
Stanford, IL N 40d 26' W 89d 13m