Re: [guide-user] UCAC-3 naming
Bill J Gray Oct 9 12:23 PM
Hi Clay,
A couple of things...
When you click on Help... About Guide, what version date do
you see? (It should be 7 October.)
From 'new.htm', you would presumably have downloaded '',
which ought to be exactly 1000783 bytes. 'guide8.exe', extracted
from this, should be exactly 963072 bytes.
My guess is that you'll find either that the .zip is the wrong
size (in which case the fix is to try again; maybe you downloaded
it to a different folder, then unZIPped the previous ''?)
or you'll find that the .zip is the right size and the .exe is the
wrong size. If that happens, then maybe '' got unZIPped
into the wrong folder.
-- Bill