Re: Having trouble entering Double Star name

ucac3temp Sep 1, 2009

Alrighty, I've followed the thread back to neolithic times on the web archives to see some of your examples.

For I 34 try I 34AB-C, that works on my system

LDS 411 works as is.

B 347 requires B 347AB

you can usually guess those, if it says "no object" go for a repeat with AB appended, that'll do it most of the time. However, I 34 shows there are nonintuitive names too. In that case change the length in the


command to a length of 7

ie if you have

text 11 13

change it to

text 11 7

Most doubles don't have AB etc written after them, so they're no problem. You'll have to see what happens otherwise. Whatever you do you will not always get all you want with double stars, there'll either be this problem, or if taking the truncated discovery identifier route there'll be the problem of landing on dbl nnnnAB when you want to land on dbl nnnnEF. It's a consequence of the nomenclatural system used.

daw 213 works fine.

I'll do an ever latest WDS update route later, but it won't be the official Guide 8 one, so it be up to the user if they pick it coz I will _not_ be supporting it. It shouldn't need any support,

It'll be generally applicable to several of the CDS /B/ subdirectory files for those who like stuff uptodate, but I'll only present a TDF for the WDS route and the methodology will have to be extrapolated from the WDS case. And people will have to teach themselves how to use a DOS window and change drives and/or subdirectories in DOS, as the use of Bill's little DOS application SORTER.EXE will be essential.



--- In, "vgardiner" <vgardiner@...> wrote:
> Bill,
> More examples of WDS objects that Guide8 will not accept :-
> I 34, LDS 411, B 379, DAW 213.
> Just a few to let you work out what I'm doing wrong.
> I'm using the June 02/08 Guide8
> Vincent
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "vgardiner" <vgardiner@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [guide-user] Having trouble entering Double
> Star name
> > G'day Bill,
> > Thanks for the reply.
> > The "click here to download current WDS..." isn't working.
> > The files are not found.
> > I do have the latest WDS, but does the "WDS-New" zip file
> > work with the latest formats of the WDS.
> >
> > Going to Double Star and entering MAD 6 points to a
> > totally
> > wrong spot.
> >
> > I also have "*Current WDS" in the toggle on/off spot, but
> > I
> > still can't find MAD 6.
> >
> > I'm obviously doing something wrong.
> >
> > Vincent