Re: [guide-user] OT: program for displaying hour angle

Bernd Brinkmann Sep 1, 2009

Hello Bill,

I'm just back from Namibia and I have to say Guide worked like a charme with
this improvement. We used an Alt AD6-N GEM with precise setting circles (0.5
min in RA and 10' in Dec.) and located every object within a minute or so with
the correct hour angle.

Thanks Bill and clear skies

> I see one very small fix in the latest 'in-testing' update
> didn't make it onto the 'new.htm' page. That is a method for
> resetting Guide to show hour angle in any of the various forms
> that might be required: from 0h to 24h versus -12h to +12h,
> and "reversed" for southern hemisphere operations with a scope
> with northern hemisphere-oriented setting circles.
> I don't think too many people will be playing around with this,
> so the only control right now involves editing 'startup.mar' and
> tweaking a line in it, as described here:
> I'd added the capability to switch between the 0h-24h convention
> and the +/-12h convention long ago, but the 'wrong hemisphere'
> switch is new.

Bernd Brinkmann

Sternwarte Herne, MPC code A18
Herne, Germany

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