Re: UCAC3 from VizieR in Guide 8 - a howto

trvsfn Sep 1, 2009

Hi, no way!
I did twice everything (also I re-installed GUIDE) but still I have the same problem.
Investigations are in progress....
Anyway many thanks for your help.

--- In, "ucac3temp" <ucac3temp@...> wrote:
> I've just had a sideways thought...
> tear2.exe isn't always happy if it can't find an url.
> If you've cut and pasted
> -cI/315/out&-out.all=1
> or taken it from my file and placed it into download.txt, instead take download.txt, or preferably your backup of it, and put it into notepad, and notepad only, and type the instructions by hand, not cut and paste or import.
> I know this sounds silly, but sometimes when I cut and paste negative declinations from one webpage to another, or into Guide's GOTO RA, I have to edit the pasted minus sign and type it in directly, as the system doesn't recognised the copied - as a true - character.
> Here we have - / and & punctuation, and some machines may have some of those mapped differently to me if running their keyboards _not_ in UK configuration. Why, I dunno, and it only rarely happens (it never happened in DOS, UK keyboards only remap two characters), but it does happen, and the above details are part of an url tear2.exe sends out.
> For instance when I check SYSTEM font on my machine -­­ can be either hex2D or hexAD, and the latter when used to write - doesn't work as a - in numeric inputs.
> It sounds a bit silly, but the cmc14 download working and not the ucac3 one narrows it down to a problem with the invocation url, I think.
> Cheers
> John