Re: [guide-user] Observer Log

Paul Schlyter Jul 3, 2000

> Several people sent messages to this list to support the idea that Guide
> should include a log book feature. After that, one could also ask for word
> processing or database features, and so on. In my opinion it is not the main
> purpose of a software like Guide, although it can be convenient. But the
> developper of Guide only has two hands and 24h a day and, under these
> conditions, I prefer that he spends time in developping purely astronomical
> features of Guide than in implementing a log book.
> For example, in browsing my archive of messages, I have remarked that a
> problem pointed out by Roger Pickard (28.05.00) about the display of NSV
> data has not yet been resolved (wrong numbering of the NSV stars from NSV
> 10361). This kind of things should have the priority.
> Instead of a log book, it could be more simple to be able to select and
> copy text from the more info / help window for use elsewhere (e.g. word
> processing).
> Does somebody share this opinion ?

I fully agree. One shouldn't try to get one single program to do everything.

Paul Schlyter, Swedish Amateur Astronomer's Society (SAAF)
Grev Turegatan 40, S-114 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
e-mail: pausch at saaf dot se or paul.schlyter at ausys dot se