headleyobs@aol.com Jul 3, 2000
> Subj: Re: [guide-user] Observer Log</A>
> Date: 02/07/00 21:33:46 GMT Daylight Time
> From: zmn@... (Laurent Zimmermann)
> Reply-to: <A HREF="mailto:guide-user@egroups.com">guide-user@egroups.com
> To: guide-user@egroups.comHi to all
> Hello,main
> Several people sent messages to this list to support the idea that Guide
> should include a log book feature. After that, one could also ask for word
> processing or database features, and so on. In my opinion it is not the
> purpose of a software like Guide, although it can be convenient. But thedata
> developper of Guide only has two hands and 24h a day and, under these
> conditions, I prefer that he spends time in developping purely astronomical
> features of Guide than in implementing a log book.
> For example, in browsing my archive of messages, I have remarked that a
> problem pointed out by Roger Pickard (28.05.00) about the display of NSV
> has not yet been resolved (wrong numbering of the NSV stars from NSV10361).
> This kind of things shoud have the priority.copy
> Instead of a log book, it could be more simple to be able to select and
> text from the more info / help window for use elsewhere (e.g. wordprocessing)
> .
> Does somebody share this opinion ?
> Sincerely,
> Laurent Zimmermann
> http://users.skynet.be/zmn/cab/cab.html
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Denis Boucher <boucherd@...>
> To: Guide List <guide-user@egroups.com>
> Sent: dimanche 25 juin 2000 20:05
> Subject: [guide-user] Observer Log