Re: [guide-user] Observer Log

Denis Boucher Jul 2, 2000

I do not fully agree with your comments. Yes Bill should put priority on the
problems at hands but improvement suggestions for future releases should
also be looked at for their possible values to the program. I would like
Globular cluster Palomar 4 fixed but I know that Bill does not have possibly
the right or ability to modify someone else's catalog. Every Guide user out
there knows how good the program is. The constant improvements added by Bill
are the icing on the cake. The need for an observer log was raised but I
don't see a mass departure from users. Ease off people, it only a suggested
future improvement not an immediate request. I agree that many other
programs out there can fill the void. Finally, I sure that Bill is fully
aware of the priority and will weight the value and work required to
implement such a request.

My opinion,

Denis Boucher

----- Original Message -----
From: "Laurent Zimmermann" <zmn@...>
To: <>
Sent: 02 July, 2000 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Observer Log

> Hello,
> Several people sent messages to this list to support the idea that Guide
should include a log book feature. After that, one could also ask for word
processing or database features, and so on. In my opinion it is not the main
purpose of a software like Guide, although it can be convenient. But the
developper of Guide only has two hands and 24h a day and, under these
conditions, I prefer that he spends time in developping purely astronomical
features of Guide than in implementing a log book.
> For example, in browsing my archive of messages, I have remarked that a
problem pointed out by Roger Pickard (28.05.00) about the display of NSV
data has not yet been resolved (wrong numbering of the NSV stars from NSV
10361). This kind of things shoud have the priority.
> Instead of a log book, it could be more simple to be able to select and
copy text from the more info / help window for use elsewhere (e.g. word
> Does somebody share this opinion ?
> Sincerely,
> Laurent Zimmermann
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Denis Boucher <boucherd@...>
> To: Guide List <>
> Sent: dimanche 25 juin 2000 20:05
> Subject: [guide-user] Observer Log
> > Bill,
> >
> > Have you ever consider including some basic observer log into Guide. I
> > exclusively use Guide and found that having to constantly switch back
> > forth between programs is a pain. In my opinion, the best place would be
> > the selected object data, a log button in addition to the "more info"
> > "next"..... when selected it would take you to a basic obsever log page
> > which possibly could include the selected object data, a place for log
> > entry. It would be a nice feature to have. I look around and found many
> > other astro programs offer such log feature but not the program
qualities of
> > Guide.
> >
> > Anyone else believe this would be of value.
> >
> > Denis Boucher
> > denis.boucher@...
> > Homepage:
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