Re: [guide-user] Observer Log Jul 2, 2000

In a message dated 7/2/00 3:33:48 PM Central Daylight Time, zmn@...

> Instead of a log book, it could be more simple to be able to select and
> text from the more info / help window for use elsewhere (e.g. word
> Does somebody share this opinion ?

Yes :-). As a matter of fact, after trying several observing log programs
and not finding them to suit my needs in whole, this is indeed what I do.
Actually, I have two separate files: a database file which contains all
"info" type stuff (RA, Dec, Mag, Con, type, and columns to check for various
"lists", as well as one for simply "logged" and another referencing dates in
my observing notebook. This allows me to sort however I wish and print out,
for instance, objects on a certain "hit list" that I don't have logged yet.
I also have another word processor program which has NGC descriptive notes
typed up.

FYI, you *can* "save" the more info data as a text file and then cut/paste it
into your favorite word processor. But the ability to highlight and copy
portions directly would be nice to eliminate a few steps.

Personally, I'd love to see the ability to reference some sort of personal
user object list. IE, when you click on an object you would have the option
to add it to a personal object list. Then, the ability to display or work
with the items on the list aside from just the object types now available but
with about the same options (ie on/off/auto). It would be nice to have Guide
display, for instance, ALL the items on your personal list (say, the SAC or
Herschel listings) as well as maybe NGC to a some lesser magnitude.

Sandy Mc.

Sandra McNamara
Stanford, IL N 40d 26' W 89d 13m
EMail: SandyMc456@...