Re: [guide-user] The update date on Guide 8 is not automatic

alfredogmail Mar 21, 2009

Yes! OK! Thanks!

Alfredo Caronia

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill J Gray
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] The update date on Guide 8 is not automatic

Hi Alfredo,

If I understand you correctly, you're wishing Guide updated
every now and then to keep in synch with the 'real time'?

The way to do this is to go into the Animation dialog, and
check the 'real-time' box. You'll be asked how frequently you want
the screen to be updated. If you select, say, five seconds, then
Guide will automatically update the display to keep it within five
seconds of "right now". (I used it last night to track an ISS
pass; I could see ISS drifting through constellations outside,
then look to see it drifting through the same virtual constellations
on the Guide chart.)

-- Bill

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