Re: [guide-user] Newbie Question: It is working now...

JoeMize Mar 18, 2009

Yup Vince, your "Out of Box" image is normal. It is the customer's
responsibility to set up Guide to his preference. Glad things are now
working better for you...joe :)

"May You Go Among The Imperishable Stars"
Joe Mize
Chiefland Astronomy Village, Fla.

----- Original Message -----
From: "thevinenator" <thevinenator@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 9:08 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Newbie Question: It is working now...

>I think everything is working now.
> I completely uninstalled the software and reinstalled it to c:\guide8
> i then installed everything on both CDs to the hard drive.
> the program still was not showing any DSOs on the screen, but when i
> loaded the mark that Joe sent me, magically everything appeared.
> i'm still not sure if the 'out of the box' behavior is normal.
> i've uploaded a couple files of screen shots for those who wish can
> comment. they are in the Vince - Screen Shots folder. the first image is
> a full screen view of the default out of the box "look". the second image
> is that of the Display|Data Shown screen. Are those colors "normal" ?
> I'm running on a laptop with a 1280 x 800 32bit screen.
> thanks for all your comments and suggestions.
> Vince
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