Re: [guide-user] Re: Incorrect comet Table data

P. Clay Sherrod Feb 26, 2009

Not attempting to speak for Dave on this, but I believe this to be the case since I know
his techniques for uploading. Similarly, when I load "new NEOs" that have been reported
daily, I use the "Add MPC Comets and Asteroids...." function to add one line elements for
those until they appear on daily mpcorb.dat updates. Once they do appear on that list, I
must manually go into the Extras/Edit Comets function and delete those manually-entered
items. If I put this off for several weeks, I end up with many duplicates of the same

Comets, however, I always use the "Add MPC...." and import the entire Soft02CMT file for
Guide8. So in this respect I believe that these duplicates may be from that process.

Thanks Alan....

Dr. P. Clay Sherrod
Arkansas Sky Observatories
MPC H45 - Petit Jean Mountain South
MPC H41 - Petit Jean Mountain
MPC H43 - Conway West

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Cahill" <neoprog@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:31 AM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Re: Incorrect comet Table data

> Hi Dave,
> I'm afraid I have no idea why some asteroids should show 2 X's now. The
> only reason I know of is if you update a previous comets.dat, that is
> full of asteroids. i.e. updated before.
> As far as I know Soft02Unusuals only imports asteroids and Soft02CMT
> brings in comets.
> Just one idea has just come to me.. do you use MPCORB.dat from the MPC?
> If so, and you import asteroids from Soft02Unusuals, there will be 2
> entries for certain asteroids.. hence 2 X's
> Thats all I can think of, hope this helps.
> Best Regards
> Alan
> In message <go4ckn+p9tr@...>, Dave Birmingham
> <lone_scope2000@...> writes
>> Hello Alan,
>> Thank you for the suggestion. I got brave enough today to take your
>> advice and I copied my comets.dat file to another folder and edited
>> the original and then wiped everything out saving it with only a
>> '0'
>> on the first line. I then downloaded the two aforementioned files
>> from the MPC and my comet.dat file went to 854. Though I do not see
>> double entries Guide8 is still showning double 'X' designators for
>> asteroids like 2009 DZ, 2009 CO5, etc. There seems to be no
>> commonality as far as the distances between the designators as some
>> are more than 125" while others are only a few seconds apart or
>> even
>> almost on top of one another.
>> This duplication really makes it confusing to properly center the
>> selected object.
>> Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>> Dave
>> --- In, Alan Cahill <neoprog@...> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Dave,
>> >
>> > What I do is keep a spare Comets.dat that is set to 0. Then when
>> I
>> need
>> > to get rid of all of the old data, I just copy it to the Guide
>> > directory.
>> > I have a spare copy on my website at
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I also back up the old file.. in case!
>> >
>> > Hope this helps.
>> >
>> > Best Regards
>> >
>> > Alan
>> >
> Alan Cahill (J94)
> Abbeydale Observatory,
> Gloucester.
> UK
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