Re: [guide-user] Get "DSS from Internet" FOV

Don Ellington Feb 24, 2009

And also. No matter what "show at:" value I choose the images are only
shown from level 6 to whatever. When I choose zoom level 1 - 5 the
images do not display. I am currently using "show at: 0 - 180".


Bill J Gray wrote:
> Hi Don,
> "...Is there a way to change to default FOV when retrieving
> 'DSS from Internet'?"
> Yes. Zoom in or out.
> The area downloaded ought to match the area shown on the
> screen. Zoom in a lot, and you'll get a tiny chunk of sky;
> zoom out, and you'll get lots and lots of pixels (recommended
> for broadband users only).
> -- Bill

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