Re: [guide-user] UOV for comet LINEAR

Richard Mallett Jun 26, 2000

>> I have the same problem that you have. I have search the manual and
cannot fine UOV mentioned anywhere.

Can any one help so we can input the ??UOV??? file into Guide. <<

Make sure that it is called <something>.uov, and that it is in the
same directory as Guide. Then open Guide, and select Overlays | Toggle
overlay - that will open up a list of overlays (really files with the
suffix .uov) - if you select the one that you're interested in (e.g.
s4uov.uov) then an asterisk will appear in front of it (there will probably
be asterisks in front of some of the others already)

Now press OK, then find Jupiter and Saturn, and zoom out until you can see
the comet trail with dates alongside. Good luck !


E-mail from: Richard Mallett, 26-Jun-2000