Re: [guide-user] Observer Log

Ray Nemoseck Jun 25, 2000

yes I think this would be a good addition to guide.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Denis Boucher" <boucherd@...>
To: "Guide List" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 1:05 PM
Subject: [guide-user] Observer Log

> Bill,
> Have you ever consider including some basic observer log into Guide. I
> exclusively use Guide and found that having to constantly switch back and
> forth between programs is a pain. In my opinion, the best place would be
> the selected object data, a log button in addition to the "more info" and
> "next"..... when selected it would take you to a basic obsever log page
> which possibly could include the selected object data, a place for log
> entry. It would be a nice feature to have. I look around and found many
> other astro programs offer such log feature but not the program qualities
> Guide.
> Anyone else believe this would be of value.
> Denis Boucher
> denis.boucher@...
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