Unable To Run Guide From Limited User Account
Ray Shapp Nov 12, 2008
To All,
In a new re-installation, I am unable to run Guide from a limited user
It was necessary to format the hard disk, and reinstall WinXP Pro and all the
rest of my applications from scratch. When I got to Guide, I used the "install
to hard drive" option using disk 1 only, and then updated to the 2 June 2008
version. It works perfectly (without the need for the CD to be accessible)
from the administrative-type account in which it was installed, but when I log
onto a limited user account on that same PC, Guide begins loading, but then
fails with an uninformative error. Guide was installed to its own folder which
is visible to all users of the PC at C:\Guide.
Please tell me what I must do to make Guide available from the limited user
Note: This is a stand-alone PC running WinXP Pro with Service Pack 3. Besides
the built-in Administrator account, this PC has only two other user accounts.
One has administrative rights, and the other is a limited user. I want Guide
to run from the limited user account.
Thanks for the help.
Ray Shapp