Re: [guide-user] Galilean & Uranian events

Owen Brazell Nov 5, 2008

Bill the Uranus one does not seem to be there


At 21:35 05/11/2008, you wrote:

>Hi folks,
>Files for these events are at
>(52 KBytes)
>(26 KBytes)
>For all three .etb files, the procedure is to just put them
>into your Guide folder, then use Tables... Miscellaneous Tables.
>Whichever ones you've downloaded will automatically appear in
>the list of tables. You can then click on text in red, to
>persuade Guide to set that date/time and center on the target
>I notice that Guide doesn't show the Uranian events spot-on.
>That's particularly true for Miranda, and somewhat so for the
>others. I do have code for the GUST87 theory that would nail
>these down more precisely. The match with the table would then
>be exact, since it was computed with GUST87. The match to
>reality would probably be pretty good, too.
>-- Bill

Owen Brazell

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