Hi folks,
Files for these events are at
http://www.projectpluto.com/gal09.etb (52 KBytes)
http://www.projectpluto.com/uran_occ.etb (26 KBytes)
For all three .etb files, the procedure is to just put them
into your Guide folder, then use Tables... Miscellaneous Tables.
Whichever ones you've downloaded will automatically appear in
the list of tables. You can then click on text in red, to
persuade Guide to set that date/time and center on the target
I notice that Guide doesn't show the Uranian events spot-on.
That's particularly true for Miranda, and somewhat so for the
others. I do have code for the GUST87 theory that would nail
these down more precisely. The match with the table would then
be exact, since it was computed with GUST87. The match to
reality would probably be pretty good, too.
-- Bill