Hi Bill
>I was going to tell you: "That's easy: you can specify the
RA/dec as an object. For example,
guide8 -o031415.9,-265358 -tsep
will cause Guide to start up centered on 03h14m15.9s,
-26 53' 58", with the starting time set to September of the
current year."
Fortunately, I checked this out before telling you all this.
It turns out that Guide only got this right with positive
declinations; it interpreted negative decs as new options.
I have fixed this; the version at
should work correctly. It also fixes a bug that could cause
crashes at startup, as reported at the above page.<
Just out of interest, whilst you've currently refamiliarised yourself with that bit of the code, this doesn't do anything
guide8.exe -o55d,+20d
ie decimal degrees.
Not a biggy, but often alerts and notices seem to be fond of spouting out decimal degree coordinates nowadays.
BTW, the above new.htm. Is only the guide8.exe file needed from that one for upgrade, technically?