--- In
guide-user@yahoogroups.com, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
>Hi Bill,
Am making a little progress here. I did a new install with the old
disks then installed the newest updates from your site. This changed
the characteristics a little. A little background first: This
computer has three serial RS232 ports (1,4,5). The only equipment
connected to this computer is the MI-250 mount with a direct
cable...no network. No other software apps are turned on.
When ports 1 & 5 are selected in the Scope Control (with the LX200
selected) I receive the following message when clicking on the Scope
Pad "slew Guide" button: "Position unread". When clicking on the
"slew telescope" button the message "Error: Reply %d!" is returned.
When port 4 is selected in the Scope Control menu I receive the
following when going through the same procedure: "Slew Guide" moves
the screen to the scope pointing location. However, when clicking on
"slew telescope" I receive the same error message "Error: Reply %d!".
I have installed the ASCOM dll file, the 2008 ASCOM platform and the
Gemini driver. After setting the Scope Control to "ASCOM" the Scope
Pad "slew Guide" moves the screen to the correct position, and "slew
telescope" returns the "Error: Reply %d!" message. The response is
the same using the ASCOM setting as it is using the LX200 setting on
port 4.
After completing this round of checking the Guide8 app I then shut it
off and opened the Gemini Control Center app. The GCC connects
immediately to the mount and will slew the scope.
It looks like there is a strong possibility that ports 1 and 5 are
occupied and I'll research to see if they are. However, it seems,
port 4 should work both directions with the mount. Do you think there
is some setting that could be preventing the bidirectional communication?
> Hi Ron,
> I just did a little checking, and it appears the Gemini
> 4.0 does support Meade commands:
> http://www.docgoerlich.de/L4V1serial.html
> So that's not the problem. Guide definitely ought to be
> able to control a Gemini 4.0 in Meade LX-200 mode.
> "...I then shut off GCC entirely (not minimized) and then
> bring up Guide8 on com 1 with the "LX200" selected. However,
> no connection between the two."
> Any error messages? Did you try both 'slew Guide' and
> 'slew scope'?
> Guide may have gotten confused into thinking it should send
> low-precision coordinates when the scope is set in high-precision
> mode, or vice versa. Do a 'slew Guide', and Guide will be
> able to tell (from the format in which the scope sends its
> RA/dec) which mode the scope is in, and can act accordingly.
> -- Bill