Hi Ron,
I just did a little checking, and it appears the Gemini
4.0 does support Meade commands:
So that's not the problem. Guide definitely ought to be
able to control a Gemini 4.0 in Meade LX-200 mode.
"...I then shut off GCC entirely (not minimized) and then
bring up Guide8 on com 1 with the "LX200" selected. However,
no connection between the two."
Any error messages? Did you try both 'slew Guide' and
'slew scope'?
Guide may have gotten confused into thinking it should send
low-precision coordinates when the scope is set in high-precision
mode, or vice versa. Do a 'slew Guide', and Guide will be
able to tell (from the format in which the scope sends its
RA/dec) which mode the scope is in, and can act accordingly.
-- Bill